4Stars supporting the activities of pet owners and cat breeders in Finland.
The 4Stars Cat Club was founded in November 2016 by cat enthusiasts and we belong to the European World Cat Federation (WCF) system. The guidelines of our association are following the regulations set by the WCF and our goal is to breed purebred cats, protect the rights of cats, organize cat shows and provide instruction and services for cat breeders. We are a non-profit association.
WCF is an international association with members from around the world. The association is officially registered with the German Registration Court and is involved in the development of animal welfare legislation.
Other responsibilities of the WCF include international registration of breeders, training of international judges (degree), standardization of different cat breeds, implementation of show rules and Show Classes, and handling of international relations. wcf.de/en
Our Team.
Lyudmila Grön
Vice-president (founder member)
Operative tasks and exhibition manager.
Julia Juutilainen
Vice-president (founder member)
Operative tasks, international relations (Russia), club membership, pedigrees, exhibition executive. 4starscatclub@gmail.com
Mari Korhonen
Prime Assistant
International relations (Sweden), club membership, pedigrees, exhibition announcements, social media. 4starscatclub.info@gmail.com